I hate stairs…

I wasn’t really crazy about going down stairs before. I mean, with bifocals, you have to hold onto the hand rail to make sure you have good footing – the steps aren’t always where they are supposed to be. (Things move around with bifocals – especially if you raise or lower your chin & look thru a higher or lower part of the lens.)

Since I have graduated to wearing NO TYPE of support on either ankle, I REALLY DO NOT LIKE TO GO DOWN STAIRS! My left ankle, along with the lower part of my shin, still swells. It seems that a larger amount of swelling occurs at the front of the ankle, limiting the degree to which I can bend that ankle. That does not make things feel good – or even OK – when going down stairs. It’s not the part of putting the foot on the stair, it’s when the right foot goes down that the left has to bend too much. 😦

Of course, now that I am “able footed” my husband lets me off at the back door to our place of employment. That means I have to descend 8 steps to start off my day. That’s on top of the steps from the kitchen to the living room at home. I usually cheat there & go to the other end of the house & go down just 4 steps instead.

Last evening while hubby was checking on the riding mower, I went around the back of the house to see how the flowers were doing. Most of them are up about 4 inches. The rhubarb at the back of the property line is not more than 2 inches tall. While walking back up to the house on the uneven ground, there were a few instances where my foot didn’t land exactly level – rough ground – and I tweaked my right ankle a bit. We are not letting the hubby know. He watches me like a hawk anytime I have to walk on the sidewalk, outside steps or across the grass. (Good thing there aren’t any windows in our garage!) He even hesitates when I have to step up to the porch when we get home from work – the site of the original injury & fall.

I do have to give major kudos to the hubby. He did all of the cooking & cleaning while I was stuck in the wheelchair. I may never forgive him for making the grocery cart and my wheelchair into a train though. He thought it was hilarious to add sound effects while pushing me down the aisles. It was short-lived agony and embarrassment.